I emptied this this morning, it was full of books and had more on top of it, this is the half landing that leads up to my flat and had to be memptied so that my new second hand settee would fit. My bath and bathroom is now full of bags of books, but the old settee is gone, my brother very kindly collected the new one and took the old one to the tip. I'm happy with the new settee, cheap and cheerful, it was just bad timing that I was so under the weather and had to join in moving furniture. My plan is tomorrow to show you the new settee and the bookshelf refilled - but don't hold your breath out there!

These arrived this morning, small and interesting - well at least I like them, they are 1950's Italian and different to anything else I have in my varied collection of bits and pieces. I have adisplay cabinet ful of all sorts of things, none of any great value, just things I like.

Despite the furniture business I did finish orphan sock 11 today and wound a couple of skeins of wool into balls, how I wish I had a swift and ball winder somedays!
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