It was too snowy today for gardening, or for my Mum to visit so I stayed in and did knitting! I also washed the Green Mountain Madness socks - Lixie, some colour came out but not more than I expect on a first wash of a dark colour, I used Woollite and hand washed them.

I got out my Patons Funky Chunky sweater and finished one half done sleeve and made it's mate, the cold weather inspired me to get on and should help to end the cold snap I suspect.

I've picked up the stitches on the neck, I had to do it this ay as I don't have 10mm DPN's! this is going slowly as it has to be 22cms and even K4 P4 rib is slow. It feels weird knitting with such big needles, I've done so many socks lately.

Several patterns arrived by post today, including this, it was cheaper to buy from Amazon USA rather than from an Amazon UK Marketplace seller. I'm really looking forward to making some of these, I think they might be useful as prizes in raffles at Christmas.

I think this is cute, I have several friends with baby boys who I think this would look good on, especially the sleevless 'vest' version.

I was looking for something in 4 ply as I have a few cones of it that I've picked up cheaply and this is cute, I have several little girls in mind for this as well.
Glad the dye didn't fade!
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