This is where I was at last night when I posted, I even got the cable misplaced when I cast on again but the trusty crochet hook rescued me, I really couldn't face leaving it like that so I knit some more while I was online - just ask what
that did to my typing!!

At the moment the new back looks like this, it's about 15 rows from completion and I'm feeling much happier, granted I stayed up too late doing this but I was actually engrossed in watching the pairs free programme in the figure skating and didn't notice the time!!
Watching the luge this afternoon when I got home helped progress on the back, it seems the faster the event the faster I knit! I dread to think what would happen if I tried knitting and watching speed skating or motor racing - I guess it would be OK if I was knitting something in the round!

I did say I was going to finish 5 socks during the Olympics as well, here is sock number 1 completed on the bus today apart from the toe grafting which I still have to do while I talk out loud 'Purlwise, Knitwise, Knitwise, Purlwise' or I end up with odd numbers of stitches and there are enough people talking to themselves on the buses I catch without me joining in! This has come out big, I have one set of needles/numbers for thicker wool and one for thinner and this has turned out to be thicker than I thought! Tune in after the Olympics to see how dissimilar it's brother turns out to be - I haven't cast it on yet as I have other socks to finish first.

The plan is that this will become finished sock 2 this week as it is already onto the foot - but please everyone, don't hold your breath! This is limeade pure merino and so soft I think I may fall asleep when I put them on!
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