Here comes Yetta

Knock Knock
Who's there?
Isabel who?
Isabel neccessary on a bicycle?
Allow me to introduce Yetta - as in Yetta nother pair of socks!
Finished today despite me going back to the lace last night, the seagulls are finished and the next row is the first pattern row of the evergreens, it's calling to me seductively but I've promised myself that I won't fall in with her wishes until after the Olympics, I'm mentally sticking my fingers in my ears and doing the 'La la la I can't hear you' song I don't want to half learn the pattern then leave it for cables and then have to relearn it, plus I want to put in a lifeline before I start the new pattern - who's a sensible girlie then? (By my reckoning I've done 22.6% of the main shawl now)
Off to browse a seed catalogue, procrastication is good, they've just emailed me to 'remind' me to order and give me free Post and packing and 10% off!
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