First happy thing, the flowers that beloved brought for me yesterday, I'm having a tough time coping with the tail end of winter and they are so bright and happy, they make me smile.
I've put the picture on my computer as wallpaper to keep after they die and add colour to my day.

The second happy thing, Hipknits sock yarn for me to experiment with - and it's purple - that always makes me happy! I'm definitely a purple personalthough I've not knitted myself anything much in purple I do want purple socks!

Annoying thing - I was actually making an identicla twin sock here - until I had to remove a great chunk of the ball because the next red stripe is in two pieces separated by an entire repeat of the yarn, I have my doubts as well that the two chunks of red wil actually add up to a whole chunk of red! I may have to remove another complete pattern repeat in order to resolve this, wasteful and annoying. Next time I'll deliberately do non identical, I'll knit one from the centre of the ball and one from the outside and forget identical anythings!

Here we have the cast on for my cable and rib tunic, looks shockingly uneven doesn't it? This is the reason why I never actually made anything in cotton before, I'd cast on and retreat in horror!

And here we have today's achievement, it's exactly the amount I had scheduled to do, I'd have got more done had I not fallen asleep part way through the Olympic opening ceremony and woken up an hour later! I note that the unevenness has largely disappeared and I suspect that the rest will vanish when it's blocked. I'm enjoying this pattern so far and not having any wrist trouble from knitting with the cotton. I'm not sure how much I'll achieve tomorrow as I have my new VCR arriving and will of course have to set it up, also my mother is planning to visit and I don't think I know the pattern well enough to talk and knit it yet.
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