Despite everything the front and back are both finished, I'm pleased with how they've turned out, I just wish it hadn't taken reknitting one of them just because I wasn't concentrating. I've also had to restart the sleeve as I'd managed to miss out the shaping completely - I seem to have been keeping my knitting brain in a bucket somewhere rather than making use of it! It is now progressing steadily and I live in hope that I will get it done before the end of next week so I can pass it to the intended recipient.

This is where I am now up to, fortunately children's arms aren't that long! The sock didn't progress today as I was rather short of bus knitting time, 2 buses didn't run today so this morning's bus was crammed with no room even for short DPN's. This afternoon the bus seemed to be peopled with rather strange drunken Irishmen who insisted on admiring my knitting and quizzed me at length about what else I knit and how you knit socks. This was interspersed with them reminiscing about the historical knitting habits of their elderly female relatives!

This made me happy, my seeds have arrived, now I must clear the window sills and start planning which to germinate first, these won't all be for our garden, I'll be sharing what I germinate with 2 of the other gardeners in our row of flats and also with my partner for his garden. There will be plenty of people benefitting from this lot of goodies!
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