I've actually lost count of how many ends there are in this, for a small garment it certainly seems to have more than it's fair share! I worked out that each sleeve had 7 ends, and the front and back have 4 plus 2 for the collar, it just seems like more. I'm going to plod on with the ends in between the socks rather than do them al at once, I loathe sewing in ends and normally try and do soem as I go along, but this pattern doesn't leave an option to do that as you do the shoulder seams first, then pick up the stitches for the collar.

Luckily I had this to finish off - only 2 ends and my third sock finished out of target of 5, this is becoming more and more achievable I think. I know have 6 odd socks awaiting partners, I have a real plan behind making odd socks like this, I'm aiming to have10 odd socks done then start alternate matching socks and new colours so that I always have around 10 odd socks but that every other sock creaates a new pair without me having to make consecutive identical socks. We'll just have to see how well that works!

These are the last 2 Olympic socks, making steady progress Incan Ocean and Mayan Jazz according to teh speardsheet on which I hav elisted a small part of my stash of yarn. Somehow I seem to have enough sock yarn to cater for a human sized centipede. I console myself with the thought that socks wear out and will need replacing even though I handwash all my knitted socks regardless of their composition. I'd never remember which required what treatment so hand washing is safest and is becoming a weekend ritual! Thanks for your kind words Sue, I'm apparently addicted to bright coloured socks, I've spent years wearing dark coloured clothes with the occasional bright T shirt, I'm throughly enjoying the variety of colours I can make my socks in, they make me smile when I get up at the crack of dawn each day.
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