Some slight progress to be seen on the lace shawl, unlike the knitter at
WIP Insanity who has nearly produced a shawl in a week I anticipate this taking me several months! I do stand back in awed amazement when I see the speed with which she produces incredibly complicated designs as well as working and raising a family! I close my eyes to the housework and attempt to raise myself! This is now 36 rows done, soon it will be impossible to photograph as its knitted from the centre back down to the point and will have to go onto a circular needle where it will impersonate sea weed until its finished. I'm happy with this, it's the largest piece of lace I've ever managed and I did manage the last 10 rows with only one minor error that I fixed without frogging and only had to tink back 2 stitches.

Another finished sock which may wait a while for a mate, although I have cast on the cuff as evidence that I plan a second sock in the future. I'm about socked out this month so have spent most of today fiddling with my lace shawl and returning to a clapotis in pale lilac Hipknits silk that I cast on a LONG time ago - last August and haven't touched since the end of October. I've cracked on with great speed today and am into the decrease section, so I plan on finishing that now before returning to the socks and definitely before I embark upon my Olympic challenge.
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