Decisions, decisions

I'm also very happy with my wool socks, it was freezing cold today and my feet have been blissfully warm all day even when waiting for buses!

I've decided that I will have to go with overdyeing the clapotis, I should add that I'm not blaming Hipknits for the silk problem, I had a package stolen and Trudi who was running it at the time kindly managed to replace the contents, but I think the problem may have arisen then. I'm terrified of spoiling it as I've never dyed anything, I'll have to do some serious research.
Thank you everyone for the sympathy in your comments - I know you felt my pain!

I've checked the online Radio Times for Feb 10th, BBC TV starts showing the Winter Olympics at 18:00 GMT but the actual ceremony start at 19:00 I have visions of the knitting world all casting on at the same time! If a butterfly flapping it's wings causes tornados, what effect will 1800+ knitters casting on at the same time have on the universe?
Yarn is gorgeous and I bet you can't wait to knit it:) Do you have any beginners sock patterns? sock knitters list confused me with all the choices
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