
The musings of an obsessive knitter and stash collector

Friday, January 19, 2007

Hecate helps me blog!

Hecate is fascinated by screeens with things on, TV sets and computer screens rivet her attention. Unfortunately she wants to pit the PC screen which is an expensive no no!

Remember when madam fitted in the palm of my hand? Will you look at her now? She's not fat, she jumps athletically around, she still tries to climb the four poster corner poles and can still be found balanced on the tops of doors, it's just that she's a cat not a kitten now and she gets shockingly in the way when I'm on the computer!

The hat has got about as far as it can before the DPN's in the correct size arrive and I only ordered them today, I could loop teh circular for a bit longer but I don't want to wind up with unwanted ladders so I shall put it to one side for now and try and clear one of my UFO's (although knowing me I'll eitehr a) cast on another hat or b) finish another afghan square)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That first picture is just so funny!

1:32 am GMT  
Blogger Fred said...

I wonder if she and Lara are related as that is exactly what she does.

8:55 pm GMT  

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