The latest sock, another mate for an orphan, I am being noble at the moment! I'm only casting on partners for orphans at the moment as I think it's time for a break from socks and I want to finish my outstanding pairs. The sheep came from eBay and needs a name - any suggestions gratefully received, in fact - I'll leave it a week and the suggestion I like best will get a ball of Opal Magic sock yarn.

Another little souvenir plate to add to my collection of pots. I've spent the day mostly planting up troughs and tubs for the garden, hence the lack of much knitting, I'm definitely putting my feet up tonight and knitting, once I've got the soil from under my fingernails.
Some sheep name suggestions -
1. Mesha (means ram in Hindi)
2. Ramsey (Ram's Island, English)
3. Dughlas (black and grey, Irish)
1. Rachel (sheep, Biblical)
2. Liadan (gray lady, Irish)
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