Due to my continuing to sleep excessive amounts I've not got that far with this wekend's sock, but I've reached the foot so I'm hoping that I'll easily get it finished on the bus.

You had to know that I'd get on with another square of the afghan? As a teenager I made blanket squares obsessively for a school charity, but they weere all knitted corner to corner 6" sqaures by the dozen, I'm sure my involvement in knitting squares and sewing them together helped to keep me at a school where I didn't fit in at all - I was 'useful' and appeared to be 'community minded' Making these more interesting squares will, I hope help to overwrite the boredom of those squares! Interestingly, square 1 in garter stitch weighs 18g on my kitchen scales, square 2 weighs 13g for stocking stitch - I know that's not totally accurate, but I had no idea that the garter stitch would be so much heavier.
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