In order to bring you variety I bring you the amaryllis that wouldn't get started! There are 3 more buds on this stem and I don't think you could ask for a more vivid shade of red! Lovely to look at at the end of a dull grey day full of Manchester rain and drizzle and singularly lacking in buses arriving at bus stops at their appointed times. Suffice it to say that when I rang the bus company's 'Care' Line I got the same woman as I was complaining to yesterday - I think they may start a file on me soon!

Here we have the sorry specimens that arrived the other week, it's been too cold to plant them out so they will need hardening off again, but they are looking MUCH happier, I claim it is because I talk to them daily, I'm not sure that everyone would agree with that diagnosis!

And here we have this week's sock and one less orphan, I know the toe isn't Kitchener'd yet, but I have a friend coming round on Friday to learn how to do that on her own first sock, so I'm saving this one so she can do 2 in a row - much the best way as if she just does one I suspect that like me she will forget very quickly.
By the way - they are very nearly identicla twins - aren't they??
Beloved is here tomorrow so normal blogging will resume either Friday or Saturday
Wow!! I know I told you about amaryllis being slow but sure but I know ours never got as wonderful a bloom as yours.
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