The scarf I started last weekend just needs blocking, and it may aquire a fringe, I want to maek a matching hat, but I'm having a slight problem, The sweater and scarf are knitted on 10mm needles, I want the fabric denser for a hat so am thinking 7 or 8mm needles, but i don't have DPN's thet size, I don't have a flat hat pattern and I don't have any pattern for a 24" circumference head!

These have turned out as almost identical twins, I'm very pleased, but am now debating what to do with my remnants from this ball and my other ball in this colourway, because I'm not sure I actually like these socks! I'm going to put the spare yarn away for now and see if I like them any better in the future.

Progress on the next socks, I've been organised and have 3 socks at the foot stage - ideal bus knitting, it's just a shame that none of these are partners for orphan socks already finished! The tiger sock is planned as a pair to be given to a friend, the next sock is Fyberspates seascape, not a colour I normally like but this is gorgeous, and teh final sock is using up oddments and so far working out well.

Here, I present you with this weeks yarn bowl for drooling over! There is Fyberspates Valentine at the back right, also her pansy at the front, Opal yellow magic on the top and some more Koigu at the front, I do like Koigu, my drugs of choice are getting more expensive all the time, I'm determined never to try cashmere sock yarn, I'd be bankrupt!
Unpictured is the Pacific Northwest shawl, I did 4 rows of the evergreen section of the pattern successfully this afternoon, I want to take it with me on a work trip in 2 weeks so need to get the pattern established happily before then. I have just 8 cms to go on the front of the pink jacket before the armhole shaping starts and I'm still plodding on with the back, none of them have moved on far enough to warrant pictures yet!
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