
The musings of an obsessive knitter and stash collector

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Return from SkipNorth

I'm back with what feels like the mother of colds just starting but I've photographed most of what I bought before rebagging it - I'm not sure where I'm going to store it all yet! I started learning bullion crochet while I was there - this is what I have so far, I'm afraid I spent most of my time sloggiong away at the second Spanish dancer shawl, it's very nearly finished, I have one increase row to do then 3256 stitches to cast off!

I did try spinning with a drop spindle but was absolutely clueless, so I contented myself with pictures of pretty coloured fibres for you to admire. My failure to grasp spinning at least saved me from having to invest in fibre as well as yarn!

More fibre for you to admire!

The youth hostel had some amazing old architectural features, here is part of the ceiling in the room with the pool table.

The yarn purchases safely bagged up! I've had a briliant weekend, Alex and Nic had done a wonderful job organising a great weekend and it was fun to meet so many knitters and spinners whose blogs I had read and never met.
Hecate inspecting the new purchases. There now follows for your delectation and delight almost all of my purchases, there are 4 more small packages of yarn but my camera's memory card was full so I'll have to take pictures tomorrow for you to see. Some of it was bought at Coldspring Mill, some at the Skep and some from the Knitting and Crochet Guild's yarn mountain! I'll publish this now and answer any questions left in comments rather than labelling everything with weights and prices - that might well frighten me if I work out how much I ended up spending!

825 g of aran with wool

560g of a laceweight

430g of purple 4 ply

450g of brushed tweed

246g of fine mohair

310g of this, I've never sen this yarbn before

540g of double knit

350g of 4 ply

340g 4 ply

510g chunky

60g of Fiddlesticks

1190g of aran with wool

500g 4 ply



250g mohair



520g on the left, 310g on the right

1.065kg of double knit


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my!! I am soooo jealous. Glad you had a good time and the wrist held out.

8:33 pm GMT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW - you have bought some real "treasures" - somehow I'm jealous, too. On the other hand, I would have no chance to store all that ... ;-)
Your wrist is all okay now?

Take care Sibille

8:59 am GMT  
Blogger Rosie said...

you got it all in the car then! wasn't it a wodnerful weekend

10:37 am GMT  
Blogger Gemma said...

Wow, that's some stash! I showed it to my hubby and now he's not quite so irked about my little haul!

Good to meet you!

Gemma x

8:25 pm GMT  

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