Given the choice of a comfy padded cat bed, a settee, an armchair and a double bed, you might expect Hecate to sleep on a cardboard box I suppose! She thanks Lixie for the kind words, as do I. It was my choice to end the relationship, but that doesn't make it any easier I find.

Rediscovering patchwork has begun, surprisingly Hecate doesn't seem that interested in me doing this, she attacks kniting, crochet and cross stitch but so far she has slept through me patchworking.

I now have 2 ears for Bagpuss - including their linings and the back is begun, the plan is to give this to my Mum for her birthday - strange I know but she likes Bagpuss.

A rather tired piece of Arklow, poor thing has lost most of it's gilt, but I've never seen this shape of pot from there before.
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