Finally I get the current 2 socks together in front of a camera! They aren't growing very fast, I'm so tired all the time this week that I don't get on very far before I fall asleep.

Another little joyful treasure, a tiny pill box and very pretty. I'm an incorrigible collector of oddments!

I've joined the Knitalong for this book so that I have something to knit on the bus that isn't a sock, 63 different patterns of square to make, I don't know if I'll keep it or give it to my mum to send to one of the charities she supports.

Here we see the kind of fool I am, I chose this project to do on the bus and then swipe me dug out of my stash a 400g ball of baby doubl eknit - far too big to carry on the bus! The original plan for this afghan uses just 4 shades of yarn but I'm intending this to use up my stash oddments of double knit.
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