Some slight progress on a sock - I've reached the gusset decreases, but as I fall asleep on every other round I'm in danger of seriously messing this up! I never used to fall asleep sitting up, but now everytime I sit down my eyes close within 20 minutes! Theer are loads of oddments I'd intended to put into the blog, but I'm just too sleepy. I did manage to get the yarn and magazine into the post during last week, and yesterday I fianlly joined the local library - they had 4 knitting books on the shelf, 2 that I have and Knitting for Children and Debbie Bliss's Teddy Bears, I borrowed the latter two but haven't yet had time to look at them. I saw a podiatrist for an assessment to see why I have been getting pain and stiffness in my left foot, it seems that witghout knowing I've burst a tendon and wil have to have insoles for a while to stretch it back straight.

Square one from Barbara Walker's Learn To Knit Afghan, I know it isn't square, but it's unblocked. I figured while I was falling asleep all the time I might be safe knitting in garter stitch, but I fell asleep even then! One down, 62 to go!I'm in no rush, I just want to achieve learning new stitches and patterns with a practical end result.
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