Please can you tell me why instead of bread from my breadmachine I got half a mis shapen brick? I lost the manual for the machine the day I unpacked it and threw it away with the packing so I'm working on trial and error, this, to me, looks like an error!! Tasty but solid best describes the texture, it's my first try at wholemeal and my be my penultimate - I'll try once more and see if it improves before I give up on wholemeal!.

I've had a very sleepy week, but this sock is now well into the foot, I've busted my yarn diet wide open on eBay today with some more sock yarn and a cone of bright pink arran, I couldn't resist it, and I do haev a plan for the arran. As for the sock yarn, who needs a plan? It's sock yarn, every sock knitter needs at least twice as much yarn as she needs socks!
This sock is on my only set of bamboo DPN's and I loathe them, they are nice and warm for knitting in cold weather, but they feel so light and insubstantial I'm permanently scared I'll break the stupid things and the stitches stick, I'm an inefficient knitter in style, so sticking needles slow me down even further, I won't be doing my Olympic challenge on bamboos!

This, ah this yarn I love, it's from Lorna's laces called Iris Garden and looks and feels gorgeous. I'm a tad concerned though, I'm a purple girl, not a pink one but the last few pairs of socks that I've produced are mostly pink and the purple I abandoned as too scratchy, is this a sign that I'm turning into Barbie in middle age?
I found that I needed to use a lot more liquid than the recipes suggested with my bread machine. It took me about 5 attempts to get a nice looking loaf. In the end, I just kept adding liquid until it looked right - impossible to describe but obvious when you see it!
I think you've inspired me to break out the machine and make some bread this weekend... :-)
Hi ,If you have the model number of the machine,use the recipie found on the back of the bread mix(defiance,lowath etc).I don't make my own up as it can be tricky,also stick to the measureing spoon and cup that (I hope)came with the bread maker!
Have fun, CAthy
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