
The musings of an obsessive knitter and stash collector

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Progress - and encouraging other knitters!

I'm getting all excited here - I'm a third of the way along the foot of my second wild foxglove sock, by my reckoning it will be finished by the weekend, will be the fourth pair of socks I'll have finished this month (even if one doesn't fit anyone I know), will give me a hand knit pair of socks for every day of one week and is my favourite colour/yarn combination so far!!

The right hand sock is ready for picking up the gusset stitches and is turning out 'interesting' I think the colour is really jazzy, I have enough yarn to make a plain and a patterned pair which is my current plan, whenever I have enough any yarn I'll make a plain and a patterned pair for variety, what I do where I have 4 balls of something like the tiger Opal I'm not sure!
Another colleague is thinking of taking up knitting again so I supplied her with some fancy yarn for scarf making, I had spare eyelash yarn from the Christmas scarves that I'd got bored with after making 2 in each colour! I'll teach them all to knit yet!! That's one scarf knitter and one returning to sock knitting this month. It also means 150g reduction in my stash. (We won't mention anything I might just have scored on eBay now will we??)


Blogger Melissa said...

I can't wait until I get good enough to try socks. I'm sticking to hats, scarves, and blankets for now though.

6:41 pm GMT  

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