
The musings of an obsessive knitter and stash collector

Monday, January 29, 2007

It had to happen

Given how much my cat likes to climb - last night while I was wasting time playing a computer game I heard a scrabbling noise and saw this!

She was very busy climbing on a pile of paper back books that didn't fit on the shelves when I first moved here and that had stayed up there very happily until just after I took this picture. I'm not going to show you the devastation she caused when she jumped down, suffice it to say that as an asthmatic I beat a hasty retreat to somewhere less dusty and will sort the mess out on Wednesday when I'm on strike.

I can at least show you a finished article - knitting chunky yarn is fun for a change - the last hat I made was 4 ply and took a week, this is chunky and took around 5 hours. It has come out a little big and used 150g of yarn all except about 6 feet which was cutting it a bit fine, but it did give me a feeling of accomplishment on a pretty nasty day. I do wonder why 2 young women on my bus decided that it would improve anyone's day to spend half the journey home repeatedly screaming at me to tell me exactly how fat and ugly they considered me to be and how much they hated my hair, eyebrows and the fact that I existed at all - all this in front of a toddler that appeared to belong to one of them. Luckily they didn't get off at my stop!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

haven't you thought about slaps in their faces??? I definitely would ...

Take care (and don't care about them!)

7:06 am GMT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was most offended on your behalf. I think you've been amazingly generous-spirited!

10:43 pm GMT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What does that say about THEIR inner beauty? I hope you never run into them again. In fact, let's hope the bus runs OVER them.

8:34 pm GMT  

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