I took this sock downstairs to my neighbour's flat to finish it off today as Hecate has been hyperactive to say the least! This sock is intended for a friend so I will cast on the other one straight away!
I've learnt that I have to have trousers, socks and shoes on early or she runs up my legs and leaves horrendous scratches behind, and she is certain that my toes need killing regularly.

When she isn't bouncing around the flat and trying to type emails she is to be found collapsed on my lap preventing any knitting at all, after all, how can you disturb a kitten as relaxed as this?

Or this?

Spring has run so late this year I stil have daffodils in full flower, which really prevents me from planting out the seedlings that are ready and waiting.

I am however pleased with the progress of my small acer, it has definitely decided to come into leaf nicely. Hecate is currently swinging from the bottom button of my jacket, I suspect she is after food and/or attention in any order.
Your kitten is so sweet! Many many years ago my mum got a kitten which would wait for her and my sister to leave the room before attacking my ankles. The fiend! I tried sitting on my legs and she just went for the knees! I'd love to have a cat, sigh. Anyway, lovely jumper too. Am doing a cabled aran and the only thing is it gets a bit repetitive. Is very rewarding though when you see it coming together.
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